Structural Enlightenment Immersion October 19-20th. 11:11am-4:44pm

Structural Enlightenment Immersion October 19-20th. 11:11am-4:44pm


Self-Integration Bodywork, Movement and Energy

with Andrew Clark, Jodi Carey and Jaret Brooks

  • Learn self-care techniques to heal scar tissue, physical discomfort and emotional blocks from three multi-dimensional healing practitioners with over 70 years of combined experience.

  • Take turns receiving and giving energetic feedback with the vibration of crystal sound bowls. Relieve stress, tension and pain naturally as body and mind come into harmony.

  • Practice techniques to assist in developing a more effective personal practice that helps sustain energy and amplify healing abilities.

  • Develop an embodied movement practice that combines yoga, breath and intuitive flow to integrate higher frequencies and create new body memory in present time.

  • This class is designed for body workers, certified yoga/ movement teachers and holistic practitioners.

  • Transform physical issues with principles of sound wave vibration + integrative bodywork.

  • Live demos and scientific support.

  • Build your own set of alchemy bowls from a world class collection. Receive $444 (class credit) off purchase.

  • Small group size with our harmonized world class collection of crystal bowls offers a unique learning experience.

  • All are welcome.✨

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